Bhushan Atote bio photo

Bhushan Atote

PhD candidate
University of Warwick
Coventry, England, UK

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I am a PhD candidate at SIP Lab at the University of Warwick, under the supervision of Dr. Victor Sanchez. My research interests are focused on Machine Learning, Explainable Artificial Intelligence, and Computer Vision.

My PhD research receives funding from the Government of India under the scheme of National Overseas Scholarship. I obtained my master’s degree from Maharashtra Institute of Technology, SPPU, India, and completed my bachelor’s studies at Nagpur University, India.


[March 2022] Started PhD program at the Department of Computer Science, The University of Warwick
[Dec 2021] Awarded the prestigious National Overseas Scholarship, 2021 by Government of India for my PhD


The University of Warwick
2022 - Present
MIT Pune, India
RTMNU, India
National Overseas Scholarship, India CapGemini, India